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avec Java Discussion :

Importer des packages avec le shell

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avec Java

  1. #1
    Nouveau Candidat au Club
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    Par défaut Importer des packages avec le shell
    hello every one ;
    i work in desktop java application using JFrame , when i execute this projest in netbeans everithing is all-right but when i compile it using shell command (javac i have lot of errors like this :

    <<<<<error: package org.jdesktop.layout does not exist
    .add(jTextField1, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)>>>>>

    i think i must export org package in ~/.bashrc file ,
    but nothing right ,
    can any one help????
    thanks in advance .

  2. #2
    Membre expérimenté
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    Normaly, when you compile a project in NetBeans, and when you declare some libraries or jar in the preoperties of your project, Netbeans create a directory "lib" in the "dist" destination directory. And in this directory, Netbeans copy the jars you need. I think it's a NetBeans configuration mistake. Check the option "Build project in classpath" in Libraries tree in your project's properties. For me, this is true, and when i compile a Project with an extension Library that correctly define in the properties of my project, a directory named 'lib' creating by NetBeans compilation contain my Library. And in the METAINF the classpath is update for pointing in this directory.

    I think you make an error in your line :
    I suppose you want to write java.... for execution. javac is for compilation...
    If you have executed your code in NetBeans, Netbeans compiling it. Well, after NetBeans execution, a directory named "dist" created in your netbeans project directory. And in this dist Directory, you'll find you jar application, with a 'lib' directory if need.
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