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EDI, CMS, Outils, Scripts et API PHP Discussion :

[eZ Publish] Image gallery for each page

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EDI, CMS, Outils, Scripts et API PHP

  1. #1
    Candidat au Club
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    Par défaut [eZ Publish] Image gallery for each page

    Please excuse me, je ne pas … speak french. But I am looking for help in an eZ Publish problem and right now it seams not to be possible to register at and so I found this french broard that seams to be quite well visited.

    I want to be able to add an image galleery to each page of an eZ Publish 4.0 installation. I found some gallery extensions but those seams to be implemented as own pages. This gallery must not be a flash gallery. It would perfectly fit to just have an output of all the images in the frontend in a configurable thumbnail size and to have a link to each image in a bigger size so I can build a JavaScrip gallery around that.

    Could you please help me and give me some tips, haow I can archieve this?

  2. #2
    Membre éclairé Avatar de sboyer
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    Développeur PHP chez OpenWide
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    To do this, you can create a content node with type "gallery".
    Under this node, you will have several nodes with type "image".

    In your "override/template/full/gallery.tpl", you fetch all children filtered by content class, including only "image".
    You display each node with the operator "{node_view_gui}"

    So, you can load a javascript file to create a smooth gallery.

  3. #3
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    Hi Denolep,

    I can help you finalize the registration on, please get in touch here : community @

    Fortunately, we have english-speaking gurus here too (thanks Simon!).


  4. #4
    Candidat au Club
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    Thank you very much.

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