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CORBA Discussion :

Error Starting OmniName Service‏

Sujet :


  1. #1
    Futur Membre du Club
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    Inscription : Novembre 2010
    Messages : 17
    Points : 8
    Par défaut Error Starting OmniName Service‏

    I am trying to reconfigure and install the omniORB-4.1.4 on Linux, but
    i get this error when trying to start the omniName Service:

    $ omniNames -ORBtraceLevel 25
    omniORB: Read from configuration file "/home/aaboumou/omniORB/omniORB-4.1.4/omniORB.cfg".
    omniORB: Version: 4.1.4
    omniORB: Distribution date: Sun Jul 19 18:35:23 BST 2009 dgrisby
    omniORB: My addresses are:
    omniORB: Maximum supported GIOP version is 1.2
    omniORB: Native char code sets: ISO-8859-1 UTF-8.
    omniORB: Transmission char code sets: ISO-8859-1(1.2) ISO-8859-1(1.1) ISO-8859-1(1.0) UTF-8(1.2) UTF-8(1.1).
    omniORB: Native wide char code sets: UTF-16.
    omniORB: Transmission wide char code sets: UTF-16(1.2).
    omniORB: Information: the omniDynamic library is not linked.
    omniORB: Current configuration is as follows:
    omniORB: DefaultInitRef (file) = corbaloc::
    omniORB: DefaultInitRef (args) =
    omniORB: InitRef = NameService=corbaloc:iiop:localhost:2809/NameService
    omniORB: abortOnInternalError = 0
    omniORB: abortOnNativeException = 0
    omniORB: acceptBiDirectionalGIOP = 0
    omniORB: acceptMisalignedTcIndirections = 0
    omniORB: bootstrapAgentHostname =
    omniORB: bootstrapAgentPort = 900
    omniORB: clientCallTimeOutPeriod = 0
    omniORB: clientConnectTimeOutPeriod = 0
    omniORB: clientTransportRule = * unix,ssl,tcp
    omniORB: configFile = /home/aaboumou/omniORB/omniORB-4.1.4/omniORB.cfg
    omniORB: connectionWatchImmediate = 0
    omniORB: connectionWatchPeriod = 50000
    omniORB: copyValuesInLocalCalls = 1
    omniORB: diiThrowsSysExceptions = 0
    omniORB: dumpConfiguration = 0
    omniORB: endPoint = giop:tcp::2809
    omniORB: endPointPublish = addr
    omniORB: giopMaxMsgSize = 2097152
    omniORB: giopTargetAddressMode = KeyAddr
    omniORB: id = omniORB4
    omniORB: idleThreadTimeout = 10
    omniORB: immediateAddressSwitch = 0
    omniORB: inConScanPeriod = 180
    omniORB: lcdMode = 0
    omniORB: maxGIOPConnectionPerServer = 5
    omniORB: maxGIOPVersion = 1.2
    omniORB: maxInterleavedCallsPerConnection = 5
    omniORB: maxServerThreadPerConnection = 100
    omniORB: maxServerThreadPoolSize = 100
    omniORB: maxSocketRecv = 2147483647
    omniORB: maxSocketSend = 2147483647
    omniORB: nativeCharCodeSet = ISO-8859-1
    omniORB: nativeWCharCodeSet = UTF-16
    omniORB: objectTableSize = 0
    omniORB: offerBiDirectionalGIOP = 0
    omniORB: oneCallPerConnection = 1
    omniORB: outConScanPeriod = 120
    omniORB: poaHoldRequestTimeout = 0
    omniORB: poaUniquePersistentSystemIds = 1
    omniORB: principal = [Null]
    omniORB: resetTimeOutOnRetries = 0
    omniORB: scanGranularity = 5
    omniORB: serverCallTimeOutPeriod = 0
    omniORB: serverTransportRule = * unix,ssl,tcp
    omniORB: socketSendBuffer = -1
    omniORB: strictIIOP = 1
    omniORB: supportBootstrapAgent = 0
    omniORB: supportCurrent = 1
    omniORB: supportPerThreadTimeOut = 0
    omniORB: tcAliasExpand = 0
    omniORB: threadPerConnectionLowerLimit = 9000
    omniORB: threadPerConnectionPolicy = 1
    omniORB: threadPerConnectionUpperLimit = 10000
    omniORB: threadPoolWatchConnection = 1
    omniORB: traceExceptions = 1
    omniORB: traceFile = [stderr]
    omniORB: traceInvocationReturns = 0
    omniORB: traceInvocations = 0
    omniORB: traceLevel = 25
    omniORB: traceThreadId = 0
    omniORB: traceTime = 0
    omniORB: unixTransportDirectory = /tmp/omni-%u
    omniORB: unixTransportPermission = 777
    omniORB: useTypeCodeIndirections = 1
    omniORB: validateUTF8 = 0
    omniORB: verifyObjectExistsAndType = 1
    omniORB: Initialising incoming endpoints.
    omniORB: Instantiate endpoint 'giop:tcp::2809'
    omniORB: Bind to address port 2809.
    omniORB: Failed to bind to address port 2809. Address in use?
    omniORB: Error: Unable to create an endpoint of this description: giop:tcp::2809
    omniORB: throw INITIALIZE from (NO,INITIALIZE_TransportError)
    Failed to initialise the ORB / POA: INITIALIZE_TransportError
    Is omniNames already running?
    omniORB: ORB not destroyed; no final clean-up.

    Thanks for your help


  2. #2
    Membre averti
    Homme Profil pro
    Architecte technique
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    Septembre 2006
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    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Homme
    Âge : 48
    Localisation : France

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : Architecte technique
    Secteur : High Tech - Éditeur de logiciels

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Septembre 2006
    Messages : 219
    Points : 302
    Par défaut

    Quelle commande lances-tu exactement ?
    Comment sont configurées test interfaces réseau (ifconfig) ?
    Le port 2809 est-il déjà utilisé par un autre processus (netstat -pae | grep 2809) ?

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